Yesterday was the most unproductive day of the year, according to a survey, as workers'morale is hit by the darker evenings brought on by the clock change. 一项调查表明,昨天是这一年中人们工作效率最低的一天,由于冬令时开始,黑夜变长,人们的工作积极性也受到了打击。
How Its Internal Clock Is Read, Knows Reindeer Humans are pegged to a 24-hour cycle. We're locked into it not just by day and night& there's the master timepiece in the brain called the circadian clock. 人类被限制在24小时的循环内,不仅仅是被日夜限制其中,大脑中还有一种叫昼夜节律钟的计时器约束着我们。
Retract the shades on your window so you'll be waking up to the sunrise every day, or set an alarm clock that will get you up at an early hour. 把窗帘拉开,这样你能每天在太阳升起时醒来,或者定闹钟让自己早起。
The rhythm of life is such that for many people the economic or social call to start a new day comes hours before the endogenous call from the body clock. 生活节奏就是这样的,大多数人都是生物钟还没醒,就因为经济压力或是社会因素开始一天的生活。
He said: If you do not get any other light during the day, make sure you get out and experience morning light, which help set the body clock. 福斯特教授说:如果白天室内没有照明的话,你一定要出去体验一下早晨的明媚灿烂的阳光,这对调节身体生物钟会起到帮助作用。
It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. 那是一年的最后一天,一大群人聚集在市政厅的大钟下面。
Seventy-one percent of Chinese surveyed admitted to feigning sickness to miss a day on the clock. 被调查的中国人中,有71%的人承认自己曾为了翘班而装病。
When choosing a time of day to exercise, paying attention to your body clock can improve results. 在选择每日锻炼时间的时候,关注生物钟能提升锻炼成果。
The winter day closed in, and bertha, interested in the novel she was reading, was surprised to hear the clock strike. 冬天的白昼很短,伯莎全神贯注地读着小说,听到钟响,感到很惊异。
You can rest assured that by the second day this clock would no longer function in my house! 打定主意,第二天我房间里这个闹钟不会再响起了!你可以安心休息了。
According to sleep experts, getting sunlight in the morning on the day of the time change will help reset your body clock. 睡眠专家说,改时间的当天早上多晒日光,可以帮助你的身体调整生物钟。
The obstacle race in the children's sports day was run against the clock. 儿童体育节上的障碍赛跑用计时定名次。
And I have been preparing it day and night. He studied round the clock for his TOEFL examinations. 他夜以继日地准备托福考试。
Every day, I can wake up by myself without the alarm clock. 每天早上,没有闹钟我也可以自己醒来。
The length of each day during the winter determines how fast the clock will run, and hence when the "alarm" will ring for the spring migration. 在冬天里,每一天白昼的长短决定该时钟的运转快慢,因此闹铃将春天的迁徙响起提示信号。
He was nervous as a cat all day, had lunch sent in and watched the clock. 他一整天都神经兮兮地像猫一样,叫人把午饭送来,老是看着表。
John Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock ( made in Japan) for6 am. 约翰早上六点被日本制的闹钟叫醒。
One day of negotiation had elapsed without any progress whatever and with the clock now running against us. 一天的谈判过去了,毫无进展,而且现在时间对我们不利了。
Every Thanksgiving Day for nine years Pete had taken this same seat exactly at one o 'clock, and each time the same pleasant thing had happened. 9年来,每年感恩节,皮特都会在一点钟准时坐在这个位子上,而每次,都会发生同样愉快的事情。
Get up during the night on April Fool's day, set every clock in the house ahead one hour. 夜里起来把家里所有的钟都调早一个小时。
On the seventeenth day of the month, he started pulling once more round the clock. 十七那天,他开始去拉车,赁的是“整天儿”。
Year, month, day, hour, minute, second are measure unit of time, and clock is the concrete tool to measure time. 年、月、日、小时、分、秒正是时间这个标尺的尺寸,钟则是衡量时间的具体工具。
I marveled at how at different times of the day, that clock would chime three times, six times or more, with a wonderful resonant sound that echoed throughout the house. 我感到好奇,为什么在每天不同的时间,钟就会鸣响,3声,6声或者更多,发出一种奇妙的、洪亮的声音在整个房间内回荡。
During the day the off-duty men would pack into a recreation room. Who will be on duty at six o` clock?& I will. 白天,不值班的士兵常会挤进娱乐室。6点钟谁值班?-我值班。
The day Tun-weng brought the clock over he gave his son a list of the anniversaries of the deaths of the ancestors and indicated that during those days of family sacrifices both son and daughter-in-law should return home to take part in the ceremonies. 遯翁那天带来钟来,交给儿子一张祖先忌辰单,表示这几天家祭,儿子媳妇都该回去参加行礼。
By calculation and analysis using one day clock differences, which is in different sampling and different span, following useful conclusions are drawn: ( 1) The prediction precision of robust estimation is better than that of LS. 利用TWSTFT得到的一天的钟差,按不同采样率、不同时间跨度进行计算分析,结果表明:抗差估计的预报精度明显高于最小二乘估计;
WUE reach the maximum value of the day at six o 'clock in the morning, WUE did not show significant differences between different treatments. WUE在清晨6:00达到一天的最高值,各处理的WUE并没有表现出显著的差异性。
One time per day and all of them were treated between 9 to 11 'clock. Six times per week and last 3 weeks. And then interrupt for 20 days, for a course of treatment. 每日1次,每日9时-11时治疗,每周6次,连续3周,后休息20天,为1疗程。
However, no report showed the exact day when the clock genes started to show rhythmicity in mouse. 但新生小鼠最早开始表达生物钟节律的确切时间尚未有相关报道。